Let us please for a moment consider the 1970's...
THIS family was considered "Normal,"
This man was considered "Sexy"
This woman had the most awesome hair on the planet....
And Crisco along with our friends at Good Housekeeping, published this cook book! (which I purchased at the Once Again Shoppe for the cost of 10 cents)
For the two or three of you who read the drivel I deem post-worthy, you know I am attempting to put forth a more culinary foot in life. This wild do-it-yourself, without the pizzeria, involved sort of cooking is due to my lack of employment, and my enjoyment and delight at being a stay-at-home wife and mother (no offense mom)...
...I miss working a little bit, but at the end of the day, I really want to understand the women who pissed their way along the trail ahead of me. I want to wear a ruffled apron and understand where they were coming from when Crisco was considered a staple. I WANT to take that step forward, (or is it backward?) and I want to embrace the whole... home-maker thing.
I was a stay-at-home mom when the kids were little. At the time, with three kids under the age of 4, I didn't wax poetic about the joys of home-making, no... keeping little faces booger free and little bottoms clean was where it was at for me!
But times they have a changed, and the kids are big enough to tie their shoes and wear B cups. So, though I want to cook, as the daughter of a Hamburger Helper mother, who occasionally made goulash, I think I need the additional leadership offered from oh, anywhere else...
Even a 10 cent cookbook published in the 1970's
I was a stay-at-home mom when the kids were little. At the time, with three kids under the age of 4, I didn't wax poetic about the joys of home-making, no... keeping little faces booger free and little bottoms clean was where it was at for me!
But times they have a changed, and the kids are big enough to tie their shoes and wear B cups. So, though I want to cook, as the daughter of a Hamburger Helper mother, who occasionally made goulash, I think I need the additional leadership offered from oh, anywhere else...
Hence, The Dinner. Yes, I made a dinner for my family out of the Crisco cook book.
I chose this recipe and this book primarily because pork has been on sale and I bought a hella lot of it, but also because, there MUST be some truth and joy in presenting a meal from a Home & Garden type do-booky, even if said recipe book more than likely mildewed unused on an actual housewife's shelf for 30+ years.

Because, before the actual swinging event, I bet it was a stone soup sort of deal, and the couples sort of threw in what they had... maybe for pre-coital practice.
And so I made it, and the critics ate it....